Episode 2: On Fate

Not Dead: The Podcast – Episode 2: On Fate, or the man who was (almost) my uncle

Tommy Leonard is a legend in the world of long distance running: official greeter of the Boston Marathon, founder of the Falmouth Road Race. A man whose life was defined by charity, service to community, and fun. A bartender and storyteller with  the heart of “Coach” Ernie Pantusso from TV’s Cheers, and the brains of the smartest person you know.

And it’s likely none of that would have happened were it not for a stinging rejection of Tommy in his youth – by my grandmother. 

Here’s a link to Tommy’s official biography, written by Kathleen Cleary. 

Tim Helmecki, Tommy Leonard and me at The Quarterdeck in Falmouth, MA in January 2015. More than one person has noticed the passing resemblance between me and Tommy.

Carol Vassar, host/producer

